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  • xavix13

    senior tag

    Srácok, most nem azért, de ti olvastok is vagy csak irkáltok alaptalanul? :U :F

    Kimondta azt hogy erősítik a gunshipet? Csak a páncélzatát erősítik neki.
    Erősítésről szó sincs.
    Sőt rushban még "gyengítik" is, mivel megnövelik a spawnolási idejét.
    Szóval nem értem ezt a nagy sírást.

    Idézet a Blogos hírből:

    "Stationary and mobile AA cannon damage has been reduced by 30% versus the gunship."

    "Jet cannon damage has been reduced by 50% versus the gunship."

    "The delay before moving the gunship forward to a new base in Rush mode has been increased from 15 to 30 seconds."

    "The Delay between gunship spawns has been increased from 90 to 120 seconds in Rush mode."

    "Initial delay before the gunship spawns in Rush mode has been increased from 15 to 60 seconds."

    [ Szerkesztve ]

    One thing I've learned: if you don't draw first, you don't get to draw at all.

Aktív témák