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    válasz p0rch_m0nk3y #39520 üzenetére

    _Liquidator_159 ═► tank and heli gunner legend
    p0rch_m0nk3y ═► the biggest legend on the planet
    Anzani-HUN ═► god damn' infantry legend
    borisrrr ═► jet legend
    Imm0rTaL_sp0ng3 ═► metro noob and troll master
    Imm0rTal_lacee ═► the biggest lame on the earth
    Imm0rTaL_audi ═►da Boss!
    Imm0rTaL_Kroki ═► virgin teen
    Imm0rTaL_ZebLac ═► aim and macro legend
    Imm0rTaL_csoki ═►the long black cock is his best weapon
    -x__Winnie__x- ═► cheater legend
    Cargo_HUN ═► the n00b lame king
    Gyula84 ═► G3A3 legend
    DeadMeatHUN ═► legendary assault
    Vega_Anasazi ═►C4 Kinga' he loves plastic

    Szegény Winnie Hacker legend lett!!!!! :) xD xD xD :D

    ™MØИ$T€R-EИEЯGY™® || ИVIĐIA® || ᴺᴵѕѕᴀᴺ ᴳᴛЯ The Best ||

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