Aktív témák

  • sunnymarcell

    aktív tag

    top 25 paragon szintes csávóról készítettek statisztikát

    * 22 use Preparation
    * 22 use Shadow Power
    * 21 use Hungering Arrow (18 Spray of Teeth/2 Devouring Arrow/1 Shatter Shot)
    * 20 use Vault (all Trail of Cinders)
    * 17 use Smoke Screen
    * 15 use Elemental Arrow (all Ball Lightning)
    * 7 use Cluster Arrow (4 Cluster Bombs/3 Loaded For Bear)
    * 6 use Companion
    * 6 use Rain of Vengeance (3 Dark Cloud/2 Beastly Bombs/1 Flying Strike)
    * 5 use Multishot
    * 4 use Evasive Fire
    * 2 use Caltrops
    * 2 use Spike Trap
    * 1 uses Bola Shot

    * 23 use Archery
    * 20 use Steady Aim
    * 19 use Tactical Advantage
    * 7 use Sharpshooter
    * 4 use Vengeance
    * 1 uses Night Stalker
    * 1 uses Grenadier

    (25-ből 20-on a régi natalya set van)

    top 25 barbár:

    25 use Whirlwind w/ Hurricane
    25 use War Cry w/ Impunity
    25 use Battle Rage w/ Into the Fray
    25 use Sprint w/ Run Like the Wind
    20 use Wrath of the Berserker w/ Thrive on Chaos
    19 use Bath w/ Instigation
    4 use Wrath of the Berserker w/ Slaughter
    2 use Frenzy w/ Maniac
    1 uses Overpower w/ Crushing Advance
    1 uses Bash w/ Punish
    1 uses Frenzy w/ Sidearm
    1 uses Bath w/ Onslaught
    1 uses Wrath of the Berserker w/ Insanity


    25 use Weapon Master (18 w/ an Axe or Mace, 7 with a Mighty Weapon)
    25 use Ruthless
    7 use Nerves of Steel
    5 use Animosity
    4 Use Boon of Bul-Kathos
    4 use Tough As Nails
    2 use Bloodthirst
    1 uses Nerves of Steel
    1 uses Superstition
    1 uses Inspiring Presence

    egyáltalán nem látok itt build változatosságot :DDD ezzel a blizzard csak azt oldotta meg hogy más buildot használnak.

    gj blizz

    Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?

Aktív témák