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  • Sk8erPeter


    válasz FollowTheORI #15208 üzenetére

    Egyetértek. :K

    (#15204) Doky586:
    Jaja, jogos, ezt azért nem írtam, mert nem igazán terjedt el, ahogy írtad is, Linuxon igencsak limitált a támogatása, szóval egyelőre ez sem megfelelő alternatíva.
    Amúgy most olvasom Wikipédián, hogy egyéb akadályok is vannak:
    "Restrictive licensing and software patents
    Microsoft has not officially released the complete exFAT file system specification and a restrictive license from Microsoft is required in order to make and distribute exFAT implementations. Microsoft also asserts software patents on exFAT which make it difficult to re-implement its functionality in a compatible way without violating a large percentage of them. This renders the implementation, distribution, and use of exFAT as a part of free or open-source operating systems or of commercial software, for which the vendors could not obtain a license from Microsoft, legally difficult, especially in countries that recognize United States software patents. Although exFAT is now widely supported in consumer electronic devices and Mac OS X, initially these could only handle FAT12/FAT16/FAT32, which formerly rendered exFAT (and flash memory formatted with it) impractical as a universal exchange format. Linux support for exFAT is still limited. As of September 2014, a working implementation under Filesystem in User space exists."

    Szóval sztem úgy néz ki, inkább a Microsoft gondolkodásmódjának kellene javulnia ezen a területen. :(


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