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  • VladimirR


    válasz bambano #39 üzenetére

    elnezest, de azt, ha kovacs 23 istvan (a.k.a. verpistike) osszerak egy .diff file-t, en nem neveznem support-nak
    akkor sem, ha tortenetesen verpistike a debian-oseknak dolgozik, mert az nem teljes koru tamogatast nyujt, erosen ketlem, hogy kitolnak windoze binarist is

    de orulok, hogy legalabb ebbe bele tudsz kotni
    most akkor ugyanezzel a lendulettel menj, szol a mozullanak, hogy javitsak a letoltooldalt
    pl ehelyett:
    "Firefox 2.0.0.x will be maintained with security and stability updates until mid-December, 2008. All users are strongly encouraged to upgrade to Firefox 3."
    lehetne ez:
    "Firefox 2.0.0.x will be maintained with security and stability updates until mid-December, 2008...NOT!!!*. All users are strongly encouraged to upgrade to Firefox 3. All other users should start making their own patches, so they can troll around saying firefox is still supported."

    * lasd: Borat

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