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  • ArchElf


    válasz ArchElf #1480 üzenetére

    Kis idézet:
    Almost all of the NERVA research, design and fabrication was done at Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory. Testing was done at a large installation specially built by SNPO on the Nevada Test Site. Although Los Alamos tested several KIWI and Phoebus engines during the 1960's, testing of NASA's NERVA NRX/EST (Engine System Test) contractor engine didn't begin until February 1966. The objectives were:
    1.Demonstrate the feasibility of starting and restarting the engine without an external power source.
    2.Evaluate the control system characteristics (stability and control mode) during startup, shutdown, cooldown and restart for a variety of initial conditions.
    3.Investigate the system stability over a broad operating range.
    4.Investigate the endurance capability of the engine components, especially the reactor, during transient and steady state operation with multiple restarts.
    All test objectives were successfully accomplished, and the first NERVA NRX operated for nearly 2 hours, including 28 minutes at full power. It exceeded the operating time of previous KIWI reactors by nearly a factor of two.

    The second NERVA engine, the NERVA XE, was designed to come as close as possible to a complete flight system, even to the point of using a flight-design turbopump. Components that would not affect system performance were allowed to be selected from what was available at Jackass Flats, Nevada to save money and time, and a radiation shield was added to protect external components. The engine was reoriented to fire downward into a reduced-pressure compartment to partially simulate firing in a vacuum.

    The NERVA NRX/EST engine test objectives now included:
    1.Demonstrating engine system operational feasibility
    2.Showing that no enabling technology issues remained as a barrier to flight engine development.
    3.Demonstrating completely automatic engine startup.
    The objectives also included testing the use of the new facility at Jackass Flats for flight engine qualification and acceptance. Total run time was 115 minutes, including 28 starts. NASA and SNPO felt that the test "confirmed that a nuclear rocket engine was suitable for space flight application and was able to operate at a specific impulse twice that of chemical rocket system [sic]." The engine was deemed adequate for Mars missions being planned by NASA. The facility was also deemed adequate for flight qualification and acceptance of rocket engines from the two contractors.

    1966 ! :Y


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  • EmberXY


    válasz ArchElf #1480 üzenetére

    Így már értem a dolgot, érdekes dolgokat mutattál, elkezdett érdekelni a téma.. :K
    Számomra az tűnik furcsának, hogy ezeket a projecteket mind leállították, pedig ha belegondolunk, mára akár már ilyen szerkezetek röpködhetnének az űrben..
    Tehát ezek szerint az atombomba után elkezdtek azon gondolkodni, hogy mire lehet még használni ezt az energiát..
    A kezdeti időkből ez az idézet tetszik:
    "During the late 1940s, Stanisław Ulam realized that nuclear explosions could not yet be realistically contained in a combustion chamber." :C :DDD
    A Prometheus project ígéretes lett volna, de ha jól értem, akkor 2 évig dolgoztak a semmin 530 millió dollárból, majd 90 millióért szálltak ki a buliból... :F
    Ezzel még nem megyünk messzire... :DD

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    Up the Irons!

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