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  • myckey


    Shoutout to the TOP NOTCH Cutscenes, Music and Voice Acting
    The cutscenes in this game are absolutely gripping. It's not often we get videogame scenes with this quality, and I just wanted to take a moment to commend Moon Studios on their work here. This sort of thing being as good as it is is a big combination of wins, such as:

    Industry Leading Visuals and Face Capture.
    Top Notch Voice Talent

    Cinematic Experts
    Deep and Convincing Lore and Presentation

    Exceptional Music and Framing.

    Seriously, this game feels like the spiritual successor to Dishonored in its presentation, and the quality of the story elements of this game should not go unnoticed.
    Can't wait to see how this game's universe expands through content and community engagement. I really think Moon is onto something here.

    Eléggé odavannak az audiovizuális megvalósításért. Valóban nagyot domborít a program...

    "Biztos mint a halál! Sóhaj, Szobaasszony, Fárosz.. 2, 9, 11. " Ha a kacsa nem tud úszni, nem a víz a hülye "

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