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  • Sas7


    válasz Lacielvtárs #990 üzenetére

    Fuh, mondjuk ezt azért most fájdalmas volt olvasni. Ha esetleg azon gondolkodna valaki, hogy később lesz egy patch, és lesz HDR funkció, akkor ne reménykedjen. :U

    "Look at all then other creation engine games, fallout etc.. none support hdr. I think its an engine limitation.
    The basis of the creation engine is like 25/30 years old they just kept upgrading and adding it on. I think it was originally called gamebryo then bought out and renamed creation engine.
    The engine has evolved but an earlier version was used on the xbox original for morrowind in 2002. That's how old it's stretches back.
    That's why load screens are after every door, you can't go up ladders, they way things look. All go back to the original game engine 30 years ago, it's the limitation of the software.
    There are bugs that cannot be fixed that go through all fallout and oblivion titles.
    I doubt hdr will be added."

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