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  • S_x96x_S


    válasz Petykemano #60008 üzenetére

    (#AMD Q4)
    És az AMD is rámegy az AI-ra... :K :K :K

    - "MI300 sampling this Q, launch in 2H"
    - "2+ Exaflop El Capitan is MI300"
    - "Client and gaming will decline - 2H22 was rebalance, made progress exit Q4. Will still ship below consumption in 1Q. Grow in 2H, but overall client will decline. Gaming similar. But console demand is strong."
    - "So to confirm, AMD doesn't have capacity constraints in DC or client any more. There is still some capacity constraint in embedded for older-gen 28nm+ Xilinx stuff that's still got 10+ years lifecycle. That's a wrap, will work on an article soon"

    Q: Goldman Sachs - AMD gaining share in mature markets. In AI, haven't shown - at what point do we see AI strategy in P&L?
    A: Believe that AI is huge driver of compute growth. For our product sets for AI, MI300 of course on GPU training. Launched Ryzen AI in PC, expect additional AI acceleration in server. See it broadly in roadmaps. When we talk about DC ambitions, see it as an opportunity.
    First user of MI300 will be supercomputers, and large cloud vendors to qualify MI300 for workloads, contribute to P&L in 2024.
    ( via https://twitter.com/IanCutress/status/1620552720511008770 )

    én már ki is találtam mi lesz az MI300 -as
    consumer verziójának a neve: csakis "ThreadMI" :R

    > Viszont... valaki találkozott inventory adattal?

    Inventory - dolgoznak rajta ..

    Q: UBS - Client, competitor uses rebates. For AMD, that's more in legacy parts? Any AMD impact?
    A: Parts of ecosystem, OEM, retail, distribution, all working through elevated inventory.
    Made good progress, have good visibility, as it relates to pricing - it matters most when clearing older products is more competitive. Modelling client GMs to be under corp, that's different to prev modelling.

    "Q: Drivers of long term revenue given more mix embedded and DC vs lower client?
    A: Margin driven by mix, expansion as market grow. Sequential Q4 to Q1 is a mix. Client inventory clearance, especially older products. Margin expansion in 2H."

    Q: Bernstein - FY GMs, 2H?
    A: Embedded and DC have strong 2H GM. Major headwind is client. 1H22 vs 1H23 impact was client inventory correction - into 2H, normalization in client will help to expand GM. Depends on how the client segment recovers to drive GM.

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